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Using the Embrace 6.x SDK

The Embrace 6.x Apple SDK is designed to provide first class observability and diagnostic data collection to your mobile application. It supports multiple platforms including iOS, iPadOS, and tvOS.

Embrace's 6.x SDK is open-source and can be found on GitHub. It is built on OpenTelemetry signals like logs and spans, which allow you to export the telemetry captured in your app to other sources. Embrace 6.x SDK is also built in Swift, which allows us to provide more support for modern language features.

Please note that some prior functionality has been deprecated and that some method names or implementation details may differ. Further details are available in the migration guide. Please reach out to in the Community Slack if you have any questions.


  1. Open and login to the Embrace Dashboard. You must be registered with Embrace to use the Embrace Dashboard.