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Supported Metrics

The following metrics are supported. Metrics with the suffix "_total" are gauges.

To query your desired unit, simply prefix the metric name with the unit, eg: daily_crashes_total, hourly_my_custom_sessions_total and five_minute_sessions_total.


MetricDescriptionFiltersTime granularity
crashes_totalNumber of crashesapp_version, os_version, device_modelfive_minute, hourly, daily
sessions_totalNumber of sessionsapp_version, os_version, device_modelfive_minute, hourly, daily
users_totalNumber of unique usersapp_version, os_version, device_modeldaily

The users_total metric is of type gauge and represents the count of distinct devices utilizing the app within a specific UTC day. It is important to note that this metric is not designed for cumulative aggregation across days, as doing so would result in double-counting users.

Summing the users metric across various dimensions within the same day does not yield the overall count of unique users per day. This discrepancy arises from the potential overlap of users across different dimensions; for instance, users who update the app version on the same day may be present in multiple dimensions.

Nevertheless, summing the users metric across dimensions can still provide an estimate of the total user counts.

Deprecated metrics after 2023-10-17:

We have deprecated the following metrics in favor of the new metrics mentioned above. All the information provided by these metrics can now be obtained using the new metrics (refer to the Sample Queries section below). These deprecated metrics will remain available for retrieving historical data prior to October 30, 2023. However, we strongly recommend transitioning to the new metrics to ensure a consistent experience.

MetricDescriptionFiltersTime granularity
crash_free_session_by_device_rate_deprecatedPercentage of crash free sessions grouped by device modelapp_version, device_model, os_versionhourly, daily
crash_session_pct_deprecatedPercentage of crash sessionsapp_version, os_versionhourly, daily
crash_free_session_rate_deprecatedPercentage of crash free sessionsapp_version, os_versionhourly, daily
crashed_users_deprecatedNumber of unique users with crashesapp_version, os_versionhourly, daily
crashes_total_deprecatedNumber of crashesapp_version, os_versionfive_minute, hourly, daily
sessions_by_device_total_deprecatedNumber of sessions grouped by device modelapp_version, device_model, os_versionhourly, daily
sessions_total_deprecatedNumber of sessionsapp_version, os_versionfive_minute, hourly, daily
users_deprecatedNumber of unique usersapp_version, os_versionhourly, daily

Custom Metrics

Refer to this documentation to know the supported custom metrics.

Sample PromQL queries

  • Sessions grouped by devices for a given app version
sum(daily_sessions_total{app_id="<app ID>", app_version="1.2.3"}) by (device_model)
  • Percentage of crash free sessions by devices.
1 - sum(hourly_crashes_total{app_id="$app_id"}) by (device_model) / sum(hourly_sessions_total{app_id="$app_id"}) by (device_model) * 100
  • Percentage of crash sessions by devices.
sum(hourly_crashes_total{app_id="$app_id"}) by (device_model) / sum(hourly_sessions_total{app_id="$app_id"}) by (device_model) * 100

Also, you can pull data for one, multiple, or all of your organization's apps in a single query.

  • To pull for a single app, include the app_id in the PromQL filter,
  • To pull for multiple apps, include a pipe-delimited array in the filter,
  • To pull for all apps, do not include any app ID in the filter,

Dimension reduction - "Other"

To reduce storage costs with various observability platforms (eg Datadog), Embrace Metrics examine high cardinality dimensions for consolidation.

Device Models

There are over 40,000 unique device models on the Android operating system. The bottom 39,000 models account for ~30% of data typically. Aside from being expensive to store this many unique values, it is also unwieldy to visualize or review!

Chart showing data by device ranking

Currently, we roll together these long-tail device models into an "other" value.

Metrics Availability

This is the time when the metrics will be available to consume in the Embrace Metrics API.

  • Five minute metrics will be available to consume in about 4 minutes. Data point calculated at 2024-11-25 00:05:00 will be available to consume after 2024-11-25 00:10:00.
  • Hourly metrics will be available to consume in about 15 minutes. Data point calculated at 2024-11-25 01:00:00 will be available to consume after 2024-11-25 01:14:00.
  • Daily metrics will be available to consume in about 14 hours. Data point calculated at 2024-11-25 00:00:00 will be available to consume after 2024-11-25 14:00:00.