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Grafana Partnership

Embrace delivers context-rich mobile data to Grafana Cloud in the form of metrics and traces. Embrace's data seamlessly integrates with the LGTM stack in a number of ways, outlined below.


Data Destinations

To forward your Metrics to Grafana Cloud, Embrace offers a "push" method called Data Destinations. In a set time interval, Embrace will forward such "standard metrics" as crash total and sessions total to Grafana. Additionally, Embrace users can create Custom Metrics according to their own criteria, and also forward these via Data Destinations.

See the setup docs for more information on Data Destinations to Grafana Cloud.

Metrics API

Embrace also offers a "pull" method for metrics in the form of our public Metrics API. You can directly query Embrace's metrics from your backend using the PromQL query language.

See the setup docs for more information on Metrics API for Grafana. You can also look at sample queries using Node and Python.


Spans API

Similarly to the Metrics API, Embrace also offers a public Spans API for trace querying. With the TraceQL query language, you can use the Grafana Tempo HTTP API to pull queries from Embrace into your Grafana project.

See the setup docs for more information on Spans API for Grafana.

Network Spans Forwarding

Network Span Forwarding is an end-to-end network tracing feature offered by Embrace and Grafana. With this feature enabled, you can trace the result of a networking request from the mobile device to your web service, with rich detail in both the Embrace dashboard and Grafana Cloud. The w3c traceheader connects networking requests in your web service to activity in your mobile app.