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Traces (Beta)


Embrace’s Traces solution gives you visibility into any app operation you’d like to track, including duration, success rate, and any contextual metadata collected at runtime that helps debug the root cause of your mobile app's performance issues. With our tool, you can quickly spot any bottlenecks in your app’s architecture, pinpoint areas you need to troubleshoot with high precision, and ultimately deliver a truly optimized user experience.

Feature Support

Minimum Requirements

The Embrace Traces API allows you to:

  • Create record data for past operations.
    • To record past operations, you can specify the start and end times of your spans that you might have captured already.
  • Add child spans to a parent span to track sub-operations within an operation.
  • Attach attributes and span events to each span to give them further context
    • Attributes allow you to specify string key-value pairs that can be useful for filtering, grouping, and deriving custom metrics
    • Span events represent a point in time of the execution of the span and they can also have attributes

There are no limits on the duration of a span as long as the app is running.

There are also no limits to the number of child spans you can have per trace, provided the total number of spans do not exceed the per-session maximum.


Max number of spans per session500
Max number of attributes per span50
Max number of events per span10
Max number of attributes per event10
Length of attribute keys50 characters
Length of attribute values200 characters
Length of Span names50 characters
Length of Event names100 characters
Exceeding Limits

If you exceed the listed limits, the operation with the limit-exceeding call will fail. See the API documentation for details.

Naming Conventions

  • Span Names are case-sensitive and are a max of 50 characters.
  • Key Names are case-sensitive, have a max of 50 characters, and are alphanumeric ASCII characters
Internal Prefixes

The emb- and emb. prefixes are reserved for internal Embrace span and attribute names, respectively. You should never create a span or attribute key name with emb- and emb. prefixes

Adding Traces To Your App

To use this feature:

  1. Ensure you're using Embrace React Native version 4.1.0 or greater.
  2. Instrument your app using the reference guide in this section to start adding traces to your operations.
  3. See the traces in the Traces section of the Embrace dashboard.

Install the component

yarn add @embrace-io/react-native-spans
npm install @embrace-io/react-native-spans

API Usage Examples

Create a Span

import { startSpan } from '@embrace-io/react-native-spans';

// startSpan: (name: string, parentSpanId?: string, startTimeMs?:number) => Promise<boolean | string>;

const spanId = await startSpan("parentname")

Create a Span that started in the past (or future)

import { startSpan } from '@embrace-io/react-native-spans';

// startSpan: (name: string, parentSpanId?: string, startTimeMs?:number) => Promise<boolean | string>;
const startTimeMs = new Date().getTime()
const spanId = await startSpan("parentname", undefined, startTimeMs)

Add an Attribute to a Span

// add an attribute to a specific span

import { startSpan, stopSpan, addSpanAttributeToSpan } from '@embrace-io/react-native-spans';

// addSpanAttributeToSpan: (spanId: string, key: string, value: string) => Promise<boolean>;
// Starting a span
const spanId = await startSpan("parentname")

// Adding an attribute to a specific span
addSpanAttributeToSpan(spanId, "myKey", "value")


Add an Event to a Span

// add an event to a specific span

import { startSpan, stopSpan, addSpanEventToSpan } from '@embrace-io/react-native-spans';

// addSpanEventToSpan: (spanId: string, name: string, timeStampMs: number,
// attributes?: Attributes) => Promise<boolean>;

// Starting a span
const spanId = await startSpan("parentname")

// Adding an event to a specific span

const attributes = {
addSpanEventToSpan(spanId, "eventName", new Date().getTime(), attributes)


Stop Span For Operation That Ended Earlier

// Stopping a specific span

import { startSpan, stopSpan } from '@embrace-io/react-native-spans';

// stopSpan: (spanId: string, errorCode?: SPAN_ERROR_CODES, endTimeMs?:number) => Promise<boolean>;
// type SPAN_ERROR_CODES = 'None' | 'Failure' | 'UserAbandon' | 'Unknown';

// Starting a span
const spanId = await startSpan("parentname")

// Do something

const endTimeMs = new Date().getTime()
// Stopping the span
stopSpan(spanId, "Failure", endTimeMs)

Stop Span For an Operation That Failed

// Stopping a specific span

import { startSpan, stopSpan } from '@embrace-io/react-native-spans';

// stopSpan: (spanId: string, errorCode?: SPAN_ERROR_CODES, endTimeMs?:number) => Promise<boolean>;
// type SPAN_ERROR_CODES = 'None' | 'Failure' | 'UserAbandon' | 'Unknown';

// Starting a span
const spanId = await startSpan("parentname")

// Do something that throw an error
// Stopping the span with an Error Code
stopSpan(spanId, "Failure")

Add a Child Span If the Parent Started Properly

import { startSpan, stopSpan } from '@embrace-io/react-native-spans';

// Starting Spans
const parentSpanId = startSpan("parentname")

const firstChildSpanId = startSpan("firstchildname", parentSpanId)

const secondChildSpanId = startSpan("secondchildname", firstChildSpanId)

// Stopping Spans

Minimum Requirements
  • In order for a child span to be recorded, you must stop it before stopping the parent span.

Create a span around a function (It will stop after the function finish)

// This method will start a span, add attributes / events (optional) to it, execute the function and stop to the span

import { recordSpan } from '@embrace-io/react-native-spans';

// recordSpan: (name: string, callback: () => void | Promise<void>, attributes?: Attributes,
// events?: Events[], parentSpanId?: string) => Promise<boolean>;
// interface Attributes {
// [key: string]: string;
// }
// interface Events {
// name: string;
// timeStampMs?: number;
// attributes?: Attributes;
// }

const trackMe = async ()=>{

const attributes = {
const events = [
name: 'eventName',
timeStampMs: new Date().getTime(),
attributes: {"eventKey": 'value'},
// Starting Spans
const spanResult = await recordSpan("parentname", trackMe, attributes, events)

Create a span around a function (It will stop after the function finish)

// This method will create a span, add attributes / events (optional) to it, for a specific time

import { recordCompletedSpan } from '@embrace-io/react-native-spans';

// recordCompletedSpan: (name: string, startTimeMS: number, endTimeMS: number,
// errorCode?: SPAN_ERROR_CODES, parentSpanId?: string, attributes?: Attributes,
// events?: Events[]) => Promise<boolean>;

// type SPAN_ERROR_CODES = 'None' | 'Failure' | 'UserAbandon' | 'Unknown';
// interface Attributes {
// [key: string]: string;
// }
// interface Events {
// name: string;
// timeStampMs?: number;
// attributes?: Attributes;
// }

const attributes = {
const events = [
name: 'eventName',
timeStampMs: new Date().getTime(),
attributes: {"eventKey": 'value'},

const startTime = new Date().getTime()
const endTime = new Date().getTime() + 1

const spanResult = await recordCompletedSpan: ("parentname", startTime,
endTime, "None", undefined, attributes, events)


If you have any questions or if something is not working as intended, please get in touch with your Customer Success Manager.