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React Native SDK Changelog


July 04, 2024

  • Made timeStampMS in addSpanEventToSpan mandatory
  • Added support for Kotlin and Swift to the install scripts
  • Added startTimeMs in startSpan
  • Added endTimeMs in stopSpan
  • Updated iOS native Embrace SDK dependency to 5.25.2.


Jun 11, 2024

  • Fixed a bug related to upload sourcemap in RN 0.71+.
  • Updated iOS script to upload sourcemap. Please update your implementation
  • Updated Android native Embrace SDK dependency to 6.8.2.


April 15, 2024

  • Fix a minor bug related to matching bundle.js with its corresponding source map.
  • Updated iOS native Embrace SDK dependency to 5.25.1.


March 8, 2024


March 7, 2024

  • Fix a bug that prevent we loggin Screens


March 6, 2024

  • Improve performance.
  • Updated Android native Embrace SDK dependency to 6.4.0.


January 25, 2024


December 11, 2023

  • Updated Android native Embrace SDK dependency to 5.25.1.
  • Updated iOS native Embrace SDK dependency to 5.24.0.


September 28, 2023


Aug 8, 2023

  • Reduce severity from Warn to Info (log) in the success message in the React Navigation Tracker (v0.2.14).
  • Fix a bug in React Navigation Tracker (v0.2.14) if the plugin was started with a null Navigation reference. Jul 26, 2023
  • Fixed Android install script. Now it supports new projects created with RN 0.71+.
  • Changed the way we add swazzler dependency, now it will grab the swazzler version from a file. You need to update it manually. Please visit add embrace sdk for more information
  • Fix Redux Action Tracker, it was catching any error produced in reducers
  • Updated Android native Embrace SDK dependency to 5.22.0.
  • Updated iOS native Embrace SDK dependency to 5.21.1.


Jun 21, 2023

  • Fixed iOS install script. Now it supports new projects created with RN 0.71+.
  • Updated Android native Embrace SDK dependency to 5.20.0.
  • Updated iOS native Embrace SDK dependency to 5.20.1.


May 30, 2023

  • Fix a bug when the app crash with a Javascript error.
  • Update Android SDK to 5.19.0
  • Update iOS SDK to 5.19.4


May 10, 2023

  • Added React Native Screen Orientation Tracker


May 4, 2023

  • Integration: The script now says which steps it couldn't finish and shows the url of the documentation where it explains how to do that step manually.
  • Added the ability to capture core web vitals for web view experiences in your app.
  • Update Android SDK to 5.18.0
  • Update iOS SDK to 5.19.2


April 5, 2023

  • Update the install script to recognize native folders instead of a fixed path
  • Update Android SDK to 5.16.0
  • Update iOS SDK to 5.17.1


March 29, 2023


This version has known issues and should not be used

  • Added two new scripts, one to install the dependencies for Androd and the other for iOS


March 8, 2023

  • Added React Native Navigation Screen Tracker version 0.2.7
  • Update Android SDK to 5.14.2
  • Update iOS SDK to 5.16.2


February 26, 2023

  • Fixed a small bug on the React Native Screen Tracker when the navigation's reference is null. New version 0.2.4

February 16, 2023

  • Added React Redux's Actions Tracker version 0.2.2 Note: It requires at least Android SDK 5.13.0


December 19, 2022

  • Added React Navigation Screen Tracker version 0.1.1
  • Fixed a small bug when users use a recent React Native SDK with an old Android SDK


December 16, 2022

  • Fixed a small bug when users use a recent React Native SDK with an old Android SDK


October 09, 2022

  • Added Axios interceptor to force log network calls
  • Now Embrace will track errors in DEV mode
  • Upgraded to latest Android SDK version
  • Upgraded to latest iOS SDK version


August 29, 2022

  • Fixed setup script.
  • Upgraded to latest Android SDK version
  • Upgraded to latest iOS SDK version


June 9, 2022

  • Added getDeviceId to get the Embrace ID


April 8, 2022

  • Added a new API call to log network calls manually


February 8, 2022

  • Fixed issue where you needed to specify a moment identifier when starting a moment with properties
  • Fixed issue where stack traces were not captured for error logs on Android
  • Upgraded to latest Android SDK version


January 20, 2022

  • Removed dependency on JCenter for Android
  • Upgraded to latest Android SDK version


September 9, 2021

  • Added prefix to logs generated by unhandled promise exceptions
  • Set minimum iOS version to 9.0


June 17, 2021

  • Updated Android native Embrace SDK dependency to 4.8.10


April 23, 2021

  • Updated Android native Embrace SDK dependency to 4.8.2

Please follow the instructions in the Embrace Android SDK changelog to fetch the SDK from Maven Central instead of JCenter.


February 12, 2021

  • Make SDK compatible with Xcode 12.


December 17, 2020

  • Update function signatures to use typed object instead of Map for properties.


October 2, 2020

  • Fix warning raised when checking for CodePush integration.


August 13, 2020

  • Upgrades default Embrace Android SDK to 4.5.1
  • Fixes type mismatch issue when calling logMessage method for warning logs on Android

To use this version on Android, you will need to make sure the io.embrace:embrace-swazzler dependency is set to at least 4.5.1 in your build.gradle file.


August 3, 2020

  • Allow passing properties into the logHandledError method.
  • Fix issue with Gradle file and specifying Java 8.


May 20, 2020

  • Exposes setJavaScriptBundlePath function to set the path to the downloaded JS bundle from JS code
  • Added methods to get parity with the native SDKs
    • setUserAsPayer
    • clearUserAsPayer
    • endSession
    • endAppStartup (with properties)
    • endMoment (with properties)


April 9, 2020

  • Adds setup script to help users integrate more easily on new projects
  • After installing the SDK, run node node_modules/react-native-embrace/dist/scripts/setup/run.js to run the setup script


April 7, 2020

  • Adds support for logging handled exceptions Note: to utilize this, users will need to update their native dependencies. On iOS please update to at least v4.1.8 and on Android, please update to v4.2.2


March 30, 2020

  • Add support for session properties
  • Add clearAllUserPersonas method to match native SDKs


March 13, 2020

  • Reduces bloat by removing unnecessary dependencies


March 6, 2020

  • Added support for custom views; users can define the start of a view by calling startView('myView') and end it by calling endView('myView') Note: to utilize this, users will need to update their native dependencies. On iOS please update to v4.1.6 and on Android, please update to v4.1.0


February 28, 2020

  • Fixed a small bug with the startMoment function when used in conjunction with properties


February 12, 2020

  • Added support for Auto Link


December 24, 2019

  • Added a fix for CodePush integration on Android. This was addressed in the native Android SDK 4.0.0-beta7 and Swazzler 4.0.0-beta7. Please update your native SDK on Android


December 18, 2019

  • Added support for JS crashes