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Spans API Grafana Integration


  • Grafana ≥ 9.1.0
  • Embrace Spans API Token. Request a token from your Embrace account manager.

Setting Up Embrace as a Data Source to retrieve spans

Follow these steps to add Tempo as a data source in the Grafana dashboard:

  1. Click the gear icon to go to the Configurations page.
  2. Click on "Add data source" and select Tempo.
  3. Name your source "embrace-spans-api" and set the following fields:
    • URL:
    • Under Custom HTTP Headers, add a header with a name Authorization and use Bearer <YOUR_API_TOKEN> as your token string. If you don't have a token yet, you can use the sandbox token dc8b04fb11874ee19a6ac1ced98da486, and your token string should be Bearer dc8b04fb11874ee19a6ac1ced98da486.

Exploring Spans Data

If you click on the "Explore" tab on Grafana's sidebar, and you select the "embrace-spans-api" data source, you can start querying your spans data. There are two modes you can do queries, the "Search" mode and the "TraceQL" mode.

Search Mode

Here you can use the status dropdown to search for successful or error spans. You can also search using the tags, for example, using the statusMessage tag. On the Tags dropdown you will be able to select any attribute that is present in your spans data (see the Embrace attributes section).

Grafana search mode

One thing to note is that if you select an existing tag, you will be able to see the tag values that are present in your data:

Grafana search mode, searching at tag values

Another filter you can use is the Span name:

Grafana search mode, searching with span name

TraceQL Mode

You can also search for spans using TraceQL language.

Grafana traceql mode