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Upgrade guide

Upgrading from 5.x to 6.x

  • Remove deprecated properties from Gradle file
  • Replace usage of deprecated methods
  • Remove references to internal symbols that were previously exposed
  • Only use OkHttp versions that are at least 4.0.0 (3.13.0+ supported as of 6.3.2)

Remove deprecated properties from your build.gradle

These 5 deprecated properties have been removed from our Gradle plugin. Please remove them from your app/build.gradle file.

swazzler {
forceOkHttpWrapperInjection = true/false
forceFcmWrapperInjection = true/false
useNewDependencyInstaller = true/false
forceVolleyWrapperInjection = true/false
instrumentVolley = true/false

Replace usage of deprecated methods with new ones

Version 6.0.0 of the Embrace Android SDK removed some methods that had been deprecated in 5.x. The renamed methods were removed to reduce confusion and increase consistency across the Embrace SDKs on various platforms, and their replacements behave the same way as the old ones. The methods removed entirely are for functionality that we no longer support. If you were using them for a specific use-case, please speak to us about how you can use the existing APIs instead.

Old APINew APIComments
Embrace.getInstance().startFragment(String)Embrace.getInstance().startView(String)Renamed function to better describe functionality.
Embrace.getInstance().endFragment(String)Embrace.getInstance().endView(String)Renamed function to better describe functionality.
Embrace.getInstance().setUserPersona(String)Embrace.getInstance().addUserPersona(String)Renamed function to better describe functionality.
Embrace.getInstance().logBreadcrumb(String)Embrace.getInstance().addBreadcrumb(String)Renamed function to better describe functionality.
Embrace.getInstance().startEvent()Embrace.getInstance().startMoment(String)Renamed function to better describe functionality.
Embrace.getInstance().endEvent()Embrace.getInstance().endMoment(String)Renamed function to better describe functionality.
Embrace.getInstance().logInfo(String, ...)Embrace.getInstance().logMessage(...)Altered function signature to standardise behavior.
Embrace.getInstance().logWarning(String, ...)Embrace.getInstance().logMessage(...)Altered function signature to standardise behavior.
Embrace.getInstance().logError(String, ...)Embrace.getInstance().logMessage(...)Altered function signature to standardise behavior.
Embrace.getInstance().logError(Throwable)Embrace.getInstance().logException()Altered function signature to standardise behavior.
Embrace.getInstance().logError(StacktraceElement[])Embrace.getInstance().logCustomStacktrace()Altered function signature to standardise behavior.
EmbraceLoggerEmbrace.getInstance().logMessage()Moved function calls to main Embrace interface.
LogTypeSeverityUse Severity enum rather than LogType.
PurchaseFlowNonePlease contact Embrace if you have a use-case for this functionality.
RegistrationFlowNonePlease contact Embrace if you have a use-case for this functionality.
SubscriptionFlowNonePlease contact Embrace if you have a use-case for this functionality.
Embrace.getInstance().logNetworkCall()Embrace.getInstance().recordNetworkRequest(EmbraceNetworkRequest.fromCompletedRequest(...))Renamed function to better describe functionality.
Embrace.getInstance().logNetworkRequest()Embrace.getInstance().recordNetworkRequest(EmbraceNetworkRequest.fromCompletedRequest(...))Renamed function to better describe functionality.
Embrace.getInstance().logNetworkClientError()Embrace.getInstance().recordNetworkRequest(EmbraceNetworkRequest.fromIncompleteRequest(...))Renamed function to better describe functionality.

Previously deprecated APIs that have been removed

Old APIComments
ConnectionQualityDeprecated API that is no longer supported.
ConnectionQualityListenerDeprecated API that is no longer supported.
Embrace.enableStartupTracing()Deprecated API that is no longer supported.
Embrace.enableEarlyAnrCapture()Deprecated API that is no longer supported.
Embrace.setLogLevel()Deprecated API that is no longer supported.
Embrace.enableDebugLogging()Deprecated API that is no longer supported.
Embrace.disableDebugLogging()Deprecated API that is no longer supported.
Embrace.logUnhandledJsException()Deprecated internal API that was unintentionally visible
Embrace.logUnhandledUnityException()Deprecated internal API that was unintentionally visible
Embrace.setReactNativeVersionNumber()Deprecated internal API that was unintentionally visible
Embrace.setJavaScriptPatchNumber()Deprecated internal API that was unintentionally visible
Embrace.setJavaScriptBundleURL()Deprecated internal API that was unintentionally visible
Embrace.setUnityMetaData()Deprecated internal API that was unintentionally visible
Embrace.logDartError()Deprecated internal API that was unintentionally visible
Embrace.logDartErrorWithType()Deprecated internal API that was unintentionally visible
Embrace.setEmbraceFlutterSdkVersion()Deprecated internal API that was unintentionally visible
Embrace.setDartVersion()Deprecated internal API that was unintentionally visible
Embrace.addConnectionQualityListener()Deprecated internal API that was unintentionally visible
Embrace.removeConnectionQualityListener()Deprecated internal API that was unintentionally visible
Embrace.logPushNotification()Deprecated internal API that was unintentionally visible
EmbraceNetworkRequest.withByteIn()Use withBytesIn() instead
EmbraceNetworkRequest.withByteOut()Use withBytesOut() instead
EmbraceNetworkRequestV2.withByteIn()Use withBytesIn() instead
EmbraceNetworkRequestV2.withByteOut()Use withBytesOut() instead

Hidden symbols

The following internal symbols have been hidden. These were unintentionally exposed in 5.x. Please get in touch if you had a use-case for these symbols that isn't supported with the new API.

  • Absent
  • ActivityListener
  • AndroidToUnityCallback
  • ApkToolsConfig
  • BuildInfo
  • CheckedBiConsumer
  • CheckedBiFunction
  • CheckedBinaryOperator
  • CheckedBiPredicate
  • CheckedConsumer
  • CheckedFunction
  • CheckedPredicate
  • CheckedRunnable
  • CheckedSupplier
  • CountingOutputStream
  • Embrace.<init>
  • EmbraceConnection
  • EmbraceHttpUrlConnection
  • EmbraceHttpUrlConnectionOverride
  • EmbraceHttpUrlStreamHandler
  • EmbraceHttpsUrlConnection
  • EmbraceHttpsUrlStreamHandler
  • EmbraceUrl
  • EmbraceUrlStreamHandler
  • EmbraceUrlStreamHandlerFactory
  • EmbraceEvent
  • EmbraceConnectionImpl
  • EmbraceUrlAdapter
  • EmbraceUrlImpl
  • Event
  • ExecutorUtils
  • HandleExceptionError
  • NetworkCaptureEncryptionManager
  • Optional
  • Preconditions
  • Present
  • RnActionBreadcrumb
  • ThreadUtils
  • Unchecked
  • Uuid

Only use OkHttp versions that are at least 4.0.0

With the minimum API version being 21 (Android 5.0), version 4.0.0 of OkHttp is now the recommended minimum for use at runtime. While support for OkHttp 3.13.0+ was added in SDK version 6.3.2, it is not recommended, as newer versions are more performant. See the changelog for 6.0.0 for details about the other new minimum requirements.