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Session Reporting

Now that you’ve added the Embrace SDK to your project and can login to the Embrace dashboard, you’re ready to create your first session. Here are the steps you’ll be taking to create your first session.

  1. Initialize Embrace
  2. Add a start call to the Embrace SDK
  3. End the Startup Moment
  4. Build and run the application
  5. Trigger a session upload

Initialize Embrace SDK

Initialize method applies the necessary listener to your application. This allows Embrace to track javascript errors, check js bundle changes (if you use OTA), track js patch and react native versions.

import {initialize} from '@embrace-io/react-native';

export default class App extends Component {
componentDidMount() {
// Note: Initialize is a promise, so if you want to perform an action and it must be tracked, it is recommended to use await to wait for the method to finish

Note for initialize method

The initialize method will apply the interceptors that we need to get information from your app. Since its a Promise, so you might want to "await" or "then" it before doing something else.

Starting Embrace SDK from Android / iOS


Initializing the Embrace SDK from React Native (Javascript) will initialize the native Embrace SDKs (Android / iOS). This means that the network, crash, and metrics interceptors will be initialized once JavaScript is loaded and has called initialize method mentioned in the previous step. This is useful only if you perform some function/have custom code before initializing the application. If you want to start applying the interceptors as soon as Android / iOS has started, you can proceed with the Native integration.

Start by importing the Embrace native SDK in the file that applies for each platform.

Open the AppDelegate.m file (usually located at <project root>/ios/<MyApp>/AppDelegate.m) and import Embrace.

#import <Embrace/Embrace.h>

If you used the setup script mentioned on the Adding the Embrace SDK page, this change has already been made for you.

Add the Start Call

After importing Embrace, update the same files that you edited in the previous step to make a call to the Embrace SDK to start capturing data.

@implementation AppDelegate
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *) launchOptions
// Replace with your APP_ID, which is a 5-character value, e.g. "aBc45"
[[Embrace sharedInstance] startWithLaunchOptions:launchOptions framework:EMBAppFrameworkReactNative];

return YES;

If you are using Swift, follow the steps in the iOS Linking Embrace section.

End the Startup Moment

Embrace automatically starts the startup moment when your application launches. For now, you can think of the startup moment as a timer that measures how long it took your application to launch. Although in both Android and iOS the moment is started automatically, ending it is platform specific.

For Android, the SDK will end the moment automatically. To end the startup moment when you React component mounts, see the Android guide to prevent the moment from ending automatically.

The iOS SDK does not end the moment automatically.

In either platform, you can end the startup moment when your application mounts.

import {endAppStartup} from '@embrace-io/react-native';

export default class App extends Component {
componentDidMount() {

End the startup moment as soon as your users are able to interact with the application.

Build and Run the Application

Now you're ready to build and run the application. Launch the application how you usually would during development.


If you encounter any errors, please get in touch on Slack and we can assist you.

Trigger a Session Upload

To trigger a session upload, simply stop the application by either force killing it or using the stop button in either Xcode for iOS or Android Studio for Android. Now run the application again. This second launch will upload the previous session immediately. Refresh the dashboard in your browser and you should now see that you've moved on to the next step.

Congratulations! At this point you've completed a basic integration of Embrace. Embrace is already collecting interesting data from your application. You can see this data by browsing around the timeline page for the session you just captured.

Up next, you'll be learning about uploading crash reports.