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Track Components

By default, Embrace will track native views. If you'd like to track when a React component is mounted and unmounted, you can do so with the startView helper available from the @embrace-io/native-tracer-provider package.

The startView helper simply provides a Span, so it's up to you as a developer to define when a view "starts" and "ends". Perhaps it's when a component is mounted and unmounted, or maybe it's when a style is applied that makes the component visible or not visible to the user.

First get a tracer following the instructions from the Traces guide. The method can then be used as follows:

import {startView} from '@embrace-io/native-tracer-provider';

const viewSpan = startView(tracer, 'MyView');

// some later point...

Logging a breadcrumb with the name of the component could be helpful as a lightweight option to record when components become visible if you don't care about the duration:

import {addBreadcrumb} from '@embrace-io/react-native';

addBreadcrumb(`Rendered [${myComponent}]`);