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Upgrade guide

Upgrading to 4.x

Updated Embrace Package

Please note we've changed the package so you will need to install the new Embrace SDK - see details here

Asyncronous methods (Promises)

Since version 4.0, all our methods promises. Therefore, if you need to retrieve a value, such as the session ID, you should use await/then to wait for the response.

Replace usage of deprecated methods with new ones

Version 4.0 of the Embrace React Native SDK renames some functions. This has been done to reduce confusion & increase consistency across our SDKs.

Old APINew APIComments
setUserPersona(String)addUserPersona(String)Renamed function to better describe functionality.
logBreadcrumb(String)addBreadcrumb(String)Renamed function to better describe functionality.
startEvent()startMoment(String)Renamed function to better describe functionality.
endEvent()endMoment(String)Renamed function to better describe functionality.
logInfo(String, ...)logMessage(...)Altered function signature to standardise behavior.
logWarning(String, ...)logMessage(...)Altered function signature to standardise behavior.
logError(String, ...)logMessage(...)Altered function signature to standardise behavior.
logNetworkCall()recordNetworkRequest(...)Renamed function to better describe functionality.
logNetworkRequest()recordNetworkRequest(...)Renamed function to better describe functionality.

Previously deprecated APIs that have been removed

Old APIComments
startMomentAllowingScreenshotDeprecated API that is no longer supported.
logMessage(..., allowScreenshot)Deprecated API that is no longer supported.