Jetpack Compose
The Embrace SDK injects code into your APK using a process we call “swazzling” to automatically capture taps on composables.
Enabling Jetpack Compose instrumentation
Requires Jetpack Compose dependency at build time and run time
Instrumenting Jetpack Compose click events incurs a small performance penalty on a tap as it requires searching Compose's UI tree. On lower-end devices this may manifest as dropped frames.
Set Local config and swazzler block
To enable onClick instrumentation, You will need to modify your embrace-config.json
"sdk_config": {
"compose": {
"capture_compose_onclick": true
It's also required to modify your app/build.gradle
or app/build.gradle.kts
- Kotlin
- Groovy
dependencies {
dependencies {
Set ProGuard rule
In order to prevent code obfuscation, the following rule must be added into your R8/ProGuard rules:
-keep class androidx.compose.ui.platform.AndroidComposeView {
Identify clickable elements
or contentDescription
must be added to have a proper way to identify a clicked element. Remember that onClickLabel
will have more priority if both properties are set.
Clickable modifier to define a label and the onClick callback:
.clickable(onClickLabel = "someTag", onClick ={...})
){ ... }
Clickable element that already defines the onClick action under the hood.
The following example shows how to add a modifier onClick to override the label but not the actual action, so for the action, it passes null:
checked = isBookmarked,
onCheckedChange ={onClick()},
modifier = modifier.semantics{
this.onClick(label = clickLabel, action = null)
){ ... }
Content description will be considered only if the element contains an OnClick modifier.
Content description can be added as part of Modifer semantics properties, but some elements take it as a parameter, such as Icon
imageVector = if (isBookmarked) Icons.Filled.Bookmarkelse Icons.Filled.BookmarkBorder,
contentDescription = "Icon" // handled by click label of parent
Content description as Modifer semantics properties:
modifier = Modifier
.clickable(onClickLabel = "test", onClick = {
Log.d("log", "log")
If you are facing issues at runtime, we can turn off Jetpack Compose instrumentation remotely. Please, contact us: