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Integration Steps

Getting started with Embrace is very easy. We’ve designed our documentation to guide you through the process. Following these simple steps will ensure you have a solid foundation for monitoring your application in production.

Regardless of the path you choose, you will be performing the following common steps to complete your integration:


  1. Open and login to the Embrace Dashboard. If you haven't got your App ID yet, register and follow the steps in order to get started.

Add Embrace to your project

  1. Link Embrace with your application. This is the basic technical process of getting the Embrace SDK linked with your application so you can use it.
  2. Create your first session. This involves launching your application with Embrace linked, and verifying the data shown in the dashboard.

Prepare to receive crashes

  1. DSym Upload. An important step to ensure Embrace can symbolicate addresses in your sessions.
  2. Collect your first crash report. Here you will use Embrace to generate an intentional crash in your application so you can learn how those reports are collected and displayed.

Expand your data collection

  1. Add a breadcrumb. Learn how logging works in Embrace and how to port any existing logs you may have to the Embrace SDK.
  2. Add Alerts. Use Embrace’s Log Events to power a real-time alerting system so you can rest easy knowing we will tell you if your application breaks.

Keep Up-to-date

  1. Update Embrace. We're actively improving Embrace with new features and improvements. Learn how to easily find out about new Embrace versions and include them in your builds.