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Upgrade guide

Upgrading from 4.x to 5.x

  • Moments have been removed, Traces should be used in their place
  • Configuration through Embrace-Info.plist on iOS has been removed, configuration is now done in code
  • Native side initialization of the Embrace SDK has been rewritten in Swift
  • Minimum versions for iOS deployment have been bumped (details here)

Upgrade to the latest 5.x versions of the Embrace React Native SDK packages by either bumping to the latest version manually in your package.json and running yarn install or npm install Or remove the existing packages entirely and re-installing.

Then install the latest Cocoapod with

cd ios && pod install --repo-update

SDK initialization and configuration is triggered in-code

If you initialize the Embrace SDK in your JavaScript code it will need to be updated to include a sdkConfig parameter to configure the iOS SDK:

import React, {useEffect, useState} from 'react'
import {initialize} from '@embrace-io/react-native';

const App = ()=> {

sdkConfig: {
ios: {

return ...
export default App

Upgrade of native iOS code

The Embrace-Info.plist is no longer used for configuration and can be safely removed from your project.

Any existing initialization of the Embrace SDK that you had in your AppDelegate.m|mm|swift file should be removed. In Objective-c this would be a line such as:

[[Embrace sharedInstance] startWithLaunchOptions:launchOptions framework:EMBAppFrameworkReactNative];

Or in Swift a line such as:

Embrace.sharedInstance().start(launchOptions: launchOptions, framework:.reactNative)

Replace these with the updated initialization code outlined in Starting Embrace SDK from Android / iOS

Moments have been replaced by Traces

APIs related to moments should be removed from your code.

Any place that you were previously instrumenting your app's performance using Moments can now be done using Performance Tracing, please refer to this guide for more information.

Removed APIs

Old APIComments
endAppStartupDeprecated API that is no longer supported.
startMomentDeprecated API that is no longer supported.
endMomentDeprecated API that is no longer supported.
getSessionPropertiesDeprecated API that is no longer supported.