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Push notifications

If using the firebase_messaging package, push notifications received by your app can be automatically captured by Embrace. This behavior is disabled by default; it must be configured separately for the Embrace Android SDK and the Embrace iOS SDK.

Android configuration

To enable the push notifications capture, you must set instrumentFirebaseMessaging to true in the app/build.gradle file of your Android project.

swazzler {
instrumentFirebaseMessaging = true

If you want to capture data from inside the notifications then you can set the config capture_fcm_pii_data to true in your embrace-config.json file inside sdk_config. This value is false by default.

iOS configuration

Push notifications capture is controlled by supplying a captureService when initializing the iOS SDK. To enable this functionality, add the following to where Embrace is initialized in your AppDelegate:

let builder = CaptureServiceBuilder().addDefaults()
let services =

try Embrace
options: Embrace.Options(
appId: "", // Your app ID
captureServices: services,
crashReporter: EmbraceCrashReporter()

Manually logging push notifications

Push notifications can also be manually logged from the Flutter SDK. This could be useful when using packages other than firebase_messaging or just if automatic capture is disabled. To register a push notification call the following method:

  void logPushNotification(
String? title,
String? body, {
String? subtitle,
Int? badge,
String? category,
String? from,
String? messageId,
int priority = 0,
bool hasNotification = false,
bool hasData = false,

The title and body parameters will be common to all push notifications. The parameters subtitle, badge and category are exclusive to iOS notifications, while the rest are exclusive are exclusive to Android notifications. The parameters hasNotification and hasData correspond to the FCM distinction between notification and data messages (as described in the Firebase documentation)