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Adding the Flutter Embrace SDK

Add the Embrace Flutter SDK to the project

Add the Embrace package to your pubspec.yaml:

flutter pub add embrace

iOS setup

Firstly alter the AppDelegate to initialize Embrace in the init function:

import EmbraceIO
import EmbraceCore
import EmbraceCrash

@objc class AppDelegate: FlutterAppDelegate {
override init() {
do {
try Embrace
options: Embrace.Options(
appId: "", // Your App ID from Embrace Dash
platform: .flutter
} catch let e {
print("Error starting Embrace \(e.localizedDescription)")

Uploading Symbol Files


Embrace uploads the dSYM symbol files of your application using a script bundled with the Embrace iOS SDK. This makes stacktraces from crashes human-readable.

On the Xcode Build Phase tab, add a new run script. You can find your 5-character app ID and API token in the Embrace dashboard:


Android setup

In the root-level build.gradle file, add the embrace-swazzler dependency:

  buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath "io.embrace:embrace-swazzler:${findProject(':embrace_android').properties['emb_android_sdk']}"

In the app/build.gradle file, add:

apply plugin: ''
apply plugin: 'embrace-swazzler'

In app/src/main, add a config file named embrace-config.json. You can find your 5-character app ID and API token in the Embrace dashboard:

"app_id": "{YOUR_APP_ID}",
"api_token": "{YOUR_APP_TOKEN}",
"ndk_enabled": true,
"sdk_config": {
"app_framework": "flutter"

Next, you'll be creating your first session.