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Adding the Flutter Embrace SDK

Add the Embrace Flutter SDK to the project

Add the Embrace package to pubspec.yaml with the following command:

flutter pub add embrace

Automated integration

You can use the embrace-cli Dart package to configure your Android and iOS projects to use the Embrace SDK. Alternatively, you can perform the configuration manually.

To install the Embrace CLI, run the following command from any directory:

dart pub global activate embrace_cli

Using the Embrace CLI

Run the following command to configure your project:

embrace_cli installIos YOUR_APP_ID YOUR_API_TOKEN

You can use git to see the changes that the script made.

git diff

iOS setup


These steps can be performed automatically with the installIos command when using the Embrace CLI.

Add the Embrace App ID

You'll need to add an Embrace-Info.plist file at the root of the iOS project.

  1. Create a file called Embrace-Info.plist with the following content (you can find your 5-character app ID and API token in the Embrace dashboard):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
  1. Identify your root iOS Project.
  1. Right click on that project and select Add Files to YOUR_PROJECT.
  1. Select Embrace-Info.plist and click on Add. Do not forget to select which Targets you are using.
  1. Check if the file appears inside YOUR_PROJECT.

Uploading Symbol Files

To make stack traces of native crashes readable, Embrace needs the dSym symbol files of your application. These can be uploaded with a script included in the Embrace iOS SDK.

On the Xcode Build Phase tab, add a new run script. You can find your 5-character app ID and API token in the Embrace dashboard:


Android setup


These steps can be performed automatically with the installAndroid command when using the Embrace CLI.

In the root-level build.gradle file, add the embrace-swazzler dependency:

  buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath "io.embrace:embrace-swazzler:${findProject(':embrace_android').properties['emb_android_sdk']}"

In the app/build.gradle file, add:

apply plugin: ''
apply plugin: 'embrace-swazzler'

In app/src/main, add a config file named embrace-config.json. You can find your 5-character app ID and API token in the Embrace dashboard:

"app_id": "{YOUR_APP_ID}",
"api_token": "{YOUR_APP_TOKEN}",
"ndk_enabled": true

Next, you'll be creating your first session.