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Session Reporting

Now that you’ve added the Embrace SDK to your project and can login to the Embrace dashboard, you’re ready to create your first session.

Here are the steps you'll be taking to create your first session.

  1. Import Embrace
  2. Add the Flutter SDK start call
  3. Add the iOS SDK start call
  4. Add the Android SDK start call
  5. End the startup moment
  6. Build and run the application
  7. Trigger a session upload

Import Embrace

Start by importing Embrace in the file where your main() function exists.

import 'package:embrace/embrace.dart';

Add the Flutter SDK start call

Wrap the entire contents of your main() function in Embrace.instance.start(). It is essential do this if you want Embrace to capture Dart errors.

import 'package:embrace/embrace.dart';

Future<void> main() async {
await Embrace.instance.start(() => runApp(const MyApp()));

If you have configured the Android and iOS projects using the Embrace CLI, you can now proceed to the build and run your application

Manually add start calls for the native SDKs


These steps are performed automatically by the Embrace CLI when using the installIos or installAndroid commands.

Add the iOS SDK start call

Add a call to start the iOS SDK from within your AppDelegate:

import UIKit
import Flutter
import Embrace

@objc class AppDelegate: FlutterAppDelegate {
override func application(
_ application: UIApplication,
didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?
) -> Bool {
Embrace.sharedInstance().start(launchOptions: launchOptions, framework: EMBAppFramework.flutter)
Initialize additional crash reporters and
any other libraries to track *after* Embrace, including
network libraries, 3rd party SDKs
return super.application(application, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: launchOptions)

Add the Android SDK start call

The call to start the Embrace Android SDK can be placed in either:

  1. A custom Application class, or
  2. The MainActivity class

Adding to a custom application class

If you have a custom application class, you can start the Embrace Android SDK in its onCreate method:


public final class MyApplication extends Application {
public void onCreate() {
Embrace.getInstance().start(this, false, Embrace.AppFramework.FLUTTER);

End the startup moment

Embrace automatically starts the startup moment when your application launches. You'll learn more about moments in here. For now, you can think of the startup moment as a timer that measures how long it took your application to launch. Although in both Android and iOS the moment is started automatically, ending it is platform specific.

For Android, the SDK will end the moment automatically, for iOS it will not.

In iOS, end the startup moment as close to the point that your UI is ready for use by adding the following to your AppDelegate:


You should end the startup moment before the user has a chance to interact with the application. Add this method call to every location where the startup moment can end. You can call this method as many times as you like.

In either platform, you can also end the startup moment from your Dart code:


Build and Run the Application

Now you're ready to build and run the application. Assuming the app launches correctly, pay attention to the system logging and look for Embrace to print its version number.

Embrace Flutter SDK Version: 1.3.0

In addition to that message, you should also see an initialization message for the underlying native Embrace SDK:

[Embrace] Embrace SDK enabled. Version: 5.25.1

If you encounter any errors, please get in touch on Slack and we can assist you.

Trigger a Session Upload

To trigger a session upload, simply send the application to the background. Typically the SDK will be given sufficient time to upload the session, but sometimes the app is not able to complete the upload in the background. To ensure the session was uploaded, launch the application again. Refresh the dashboard in your browser and you should now see that you've moved on to the next step.

Congratulations! At this point you've completed a basic integration of Embrace. Embrace is already collecting interesting data from your application. You can see this data by browsing around the timeline page for the session you just captured.

Up next, you'll be learning about uploading crash reports.