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Collect your first crash report

Setting up the Crash Reporter

If you've been following along, you should be setup to collect native crash reports. To upload crash reports from unhandled JavaScript exceptions, add the following in the entrypoint of the React app.

import {initialize} from '@embrace-io/react-native'
// Note: Initialize is a promise, so if you want to perform an action and it must be tracked, it is recommended to use await to wait for the method to finish

:::info[Note for initialize method]
The initialize method will apply the interceptors needed to get information from your app. Since its a Promise, so you might want to "await" or "then" it before doing something else.

This will setup a hook that gets called and uploads a crash report when the application crashes because of an unhandled JavaScript exception. You can also pass in a patch number to the initialize function to use along side the version of the app to pinpoint which JavaScript bundle the user was running when the app crashed.

// Note: Initialize is a promise, so if you want to perform an action and it must be tracked, it is recommended to use await to wait for the method to finish

initialize({patch: 'v1'});
Note for iOS

If you'd like to use Embrace's internal crash reporter, set the CRASH_REPORT_ENABLED field to true in the Embrace-Info.plist file that you created earlier (as described in the Adding the Embrace SDK page). If you're using Crashlytics, set this value to false.

OTA Updates

If you distribute updated JavaScript bundles outside of the App Store/Google Play Store, you will need to point the Embrace SDK to where the most up to date bundle is installed on the device. Otherwise, the stack traces will not be translated properly. If you use CodePush, this is done automatically and there is no need to point the Embrace SDK to where CodePush downloads the latest JavaScript bundle.

import {setJavaScriptBundlePath} from '@embrace-io/react-native';


Triggering a Crash

Now we're ready to trigger a crash. Either crash the app organically, or add the following code to make it crash.

throw new Error('This is a crash');

Embrace only uploads crash reports for applications that are running in release mode. Build and run your application in release mode.

Remember that Embrace sessions only upload on subsequent launches. This means that after seeing the application crash, you must now launch the application again for that crashed session to upload to the Embrace servers.

Once uploaded you should notice that your session is marked with the "crashed" icon. Additionally your crash is visible in the crashes section of the dashboard.

In the next guide, you'll learn how to add context to your sessions using Breadcrumb Logs.