Embrace at Mobile DevOps Summit 2023 recap
At this year’s Mobile DevOps Summit, our Senior Software Engineer, Craig Hawco, gave a talk about how to solve tough crashes in your mobile apps with Embrace and Bitrise.
❤️ NEW EVENT Feb 11: "In love with OTel and observability." Join our panel for a lively chat on wins, tool struggles, and the future of observability.
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Lauren Bennett is a technical content writer at Embrace. She brings over seven years of experience in marketing and content writing to the team, with previous experience in editorial, marketing, and technical writing across a variety of industries.
At this year’s Mobile DevOps Summit, our Senior Software Engineer, Craig Hawco, gave a talk about how to solve tough crashes in your mobile apps with Embrace and Bitrise.
Get the recap and full transcript of our CTO Fredric Newberg’s webinar, “How to solve Unity ANRs and boost Play Store ranking” in this post.
The mobile app development landscape is fast-paced and challenging. This is why it's so important to equip your mobile team with the best CI/ CD tool. Learn about the top 5 tools in our post.
droidcon New York 2023 was an amazing event. Learn all about our time there connecting with developers, attending insightful talks, and more in this post.
The Embrace team attended droidcon Berlin 2023 to connect with Android engineers from around the world and share how we can help them deliver better mobile experiences. In this post, we’ll cover our experience at the conference, including our key takeaways and our talk that was given by Android Team Lead, Nelson Puglisi.
In this blog post, three of our experienced mobile gaming engineers discuss their knowledge of the waterfall method, creating a great waterfall strategy, and combining the power of waterfall and RTB methods.