Best practices for mobile network performance monitoring
Learn where networking issues can degrade app performance, and how mobile teams can take action with the right data and insights.
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Identify and resolve the networking issues behind your app’s crashes, sluggishness, and every other user frustration that server-side tools can’t catch.
Get the duration of every network call from the client side, revealing hidden points of latency that your backend team can’t see. See where crashes, ANRs, or memory issues are happening because of failing network calls with insights directly in the User Timeline. Identify the broken endpoints that prevent your users from starting up the app, loading key content, or completing business critical transactions via OOTB network insights.
Compare where network calls are failing across device types, app versions, or on wifi vs. cellular data. Get immediate insight into 4xx and 5xx error trends across common domains to identify the most problematic pathways and target them first.
Plus, since Embrace is built on Open telemetry, you can easily forward device-side networking data to your backend tools so you can identify and fix the issues behind requests that don’t make it to your servers.
Quickly understand how many of your users and unique sessions are affected by a broken endpoint, and isolate whether it’s 1st or 3rd party domain that’s the problem. Identify where networking issues are affecting high-value flows, such as a checkout process. Capture the network body of any call without capturing PII for even greater context.
Embrace helped us reduce developer time spent on network problems by 100%. We have completely eliminated user complaints and support tickets to fix broken experiences stemming from poor network connections.
Companies around the world who trust Embrace
Learn where networking issues can degrade app performance, and how mobile teams can take action with the right data and insights.
Full session context for every user experience is crucial for identifying, prioritizing, and solving the root cause of issues.
Learn how the Touch Surgery mobile team can effectively prioritize and solve failing startups that affect their high-value users.
Understand what people need to fall in love with the things you build.
Go bigger, move faster, and don’t break things. With Embrace.