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Jason Luna

Content Marketing Intern


Jason Luna previously worked as a content marketing intern at Embrace. Before joining the Embrace team, he worked as a researcher at the Communicative Mind Laboratory at UCLA, studying communications and linguistics. While at Embrace, Jason focused on writing sales enablement content, webinars, and website feature pages spanning a range of mobile specific topics.




Office anniversaries: Celebrating retention

Explore the significance of office anniversaries in fostering employee retention and engagement, as we delve into the positive impact of acknowledging and celebrating milestones, fostering a sense of belonging, and reinforcing company culture, ultimately creating a more motivated and committed workforce.

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Auto-reload Webview thread terminations

Uncover the power of auto-reload functionality in addressing thread terminations within WebViews, as we explore how this innovative approach automatically detects and recovers from thread terminations, minimizing crashes and providing a seamless browsing experience for users within your mobile applications.

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Crash Reporting

CollectionView crashes on iOS

Dive into the complexities of CollectionView crashes on iOS as we explore the underlying causes, from improper data handling and layout inconsistencies to memory management issues, and offer effective troubleshooting techniques to ensure the stability and smooth performance of your app's dynamic user interfaces.

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Crash Reporting

Auto layout crashes on iOS

Tackle Auto Layout crashes on iOS head-on as we explore common pitfalls, troubleshooting techniques, and best practices to overcome issues such as conflicting constraints, ambiguous layouts, and runtime conflicts, ensuring smooth rendering and optimal user experience in your iOS apps.

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How the mobile industry can prevent outages like the Facebook one

Learn from the recent Facebook outage and discover strategies for the mobile industry to prevent similar outages, as we delve into the importance of redundancy, distributed architectures, proactive monitoring, and disaster recovery planning, ensuring the stability, resilience, and continuous availability of mobile services in the face of potential disruptions.

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