How to make sure your code is readable across Unity teams
Understand the challenges faced in creating and maintaining code readability within Unity team projects from Alyssa Syharath, an experience Unity developer on our team.
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Lauren Bennett is a technical content writer at Embrace. She brings over seven years of experience in marketing and content writing to the team, with previous experience in editorial, marketing, and technical writing across a variety of industries.
Understand the challenges faced in creating and maintaining code readability within Unity team projects from Alyssa Syharath, an experience Unity developer on our team.
Alyssa Syharath, an experienced Unity engineer on our team, bridges the gap between formal education and real-world experience pertaining to automation, CI, and DevOps in this blog post.
It's imperative to have seamless gameplay to have a successful mobile game. A key way to achieve this is through the use of scriptable objects.
Learn about the powerful concepts of serial dispatch queues, atomic properties, and semaphores, enabling you to confidently produce stable iOS apps.
From excessive initialization to trampoline startup activities, learn how to optimize your app's performance and provide a seamless user experience.
As an iOS developer, understanding SIGKILLs is vital. The right understanding helps you problem solving faster, produce highly performant apps, and save valuable development time that can be refocused on innovation.