Crash Reporting

How to protect your Flutter app from crashes

Crashes can be a nightmare for any Flutter app developer, leading to frustrated users and tarnished reputations. In this blog, we delve into the world of crash prevention and offer valuable insights on how to safeguard your Flutter app.

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Crash Reporting

Solving “expired task” crashes

Solving an expired task crash in iOS is vital for ensuring an optimal mobile user experience. Find out how you can pinpoint and solve these crashes in our blog post.

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Crash Reporting

Understanding SIGKILLs in iOS

As an iOS developer, understanding SIGKILLs is vital. The right understanding helps you problem solving faster, produce highly performant apps, and save valuable development time that can be refocused on innovation.

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Crash Reporting

Using null safety in Dart

Null references are a common source of frustration that can lead to crashy code. Fortunately, Dart provides a null safety feature to help solve these issues at compile time, so they don't affect your app at runtime. Read on to learn more.

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Crash Reporting

The best Crashlytics alternatives for 2022

Explore the top Crashlytics alternatives for 2022, as we highlight robust crash reporting and error monitoring platforms that offer competitive features, scalability, integrations, and actionable insights, providing developers with viable options to effectively track and resolve app crashes for enhanced app performance and user experience.

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