❤️ NEW EVENT Feb 11: "In love with OTel and observability." Join our panel for a lively chat on wins, tool struggles, and the future of observability.

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Anna Mowris

Technical Content Writer


Anna Mowris previously worked as a technical content writer at Embrace, with expertise in content marketing, public relations, and social media. She contributed to the early stages of Embrace’s current messaging and strategy.



Crash Reporting

How to protect your Flutter app from crashes

Crashes can be a nightmare for any Flutter app developer, leading to frustrated users and tarnished reputations. In this blog, we delve into the world of crash prevention and offer valuable insights on how to safeguard your Flutter app.

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Understanding and working with constraints in Flutter

By leveraging Flutter's built-in widgets, layout options, and performance optimization techniques, we can effectively understand and work with Flutter's constraints to create high-quality, responsive apps that deliver a seamless user experience across different screen sizes and device capabilities.

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