Embrace’s iOS and Android SDKs are now built on OpenTelemetry!

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Android OpenTelemetry exporter walkthrough

Learn how to use Embrace's OpenTelemetry SDK distribution to instrument traces in your app and export them to an observability backend.

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iOS OpenTelemetry exporter walkthrough

Learn how to use Embrace's OpenTelemetry SDK distribution to instrument traces in your app and export them to an observability backend.

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eBook: Accelerate mobile engineering with standardized tooling

Accelerate your mobile engineering efforts with our comprehensive eBook, as we delve into the benefits of standardized tooling, best practices for tool selection, and practical strategies for implementation, empowering mobile engineering teams to streamline workflows, improve collaboration, and drive efficiency in the development lifecycle.

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App Performance

What can you do to optimize your mobile app startup time?

Unlock the secrets to optimizing your mobile app's startup time with practical techniques such as reducing initialization overhead, optimizing resource loading, and leveraging caching mechanisms, ensuring a lightning-fast and engaging user experience right from the moment your app launches.

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App Performance

What are the most common causes of startup time bloat?

Discover the most common causes of startup time bloat in mobile apps, from excessive network requests and inefficient resource loading to complex initialization processes and poor code optimization, empowering developers to identify and address these issues for faster app launches and improved user experience.

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Top 5 things mobile devs should know about the Google Play Console

Discover the top five essential aspects that mobile developers should know about the Google Play Console, ranging from leveraging app analytics and user feedback to optimizing store listing, release management, and performance monitoring, empowering developers to maximize app visibility, engagement, and success on the Google Play Store.

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Top 5 reasons your app is losing discoverability on Google Play Store

Uncover the top 5 reasons behind the decline in your app's discoverability on the Google Play Store, ranging from poor app store optimization (ASO) strategies and low ratings to lack of timely updates and insufficient user engagement, and learn actionable techniques to regain visibility, attract new users, and increase app downloads.

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Our perspective on the Bugsnag acquisition by SmartBear

Gain valuable insights into our perspective on the Bugsnag acquisition by SmartBear, as we delve into the potential implications, synergies, and opportunities this merger brings to the realm of bug tracking and error monitoring, empowering developers with enhanced tools and resources to ensure robust app performance and quality.

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App Performance

How many mobile SDKs is too many?

Discover the fine balance between integrating mobile software development kits (SDKs) and overwhelming your app with excessive dependencies, as we delve into the factors to consider when determining how many mobile SDKs are too many, enabling you to optimize app performance, maintain code quality, and enhance user experience.

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