
Use the OTel Tracing API and see your traces in Embrace with our new implementation for Android

Embrace's Android OpenTelemetry (OTel) SDK now supports the standard OTel Tracing API, meaning that spans instrumented by the OTel Tracing API will be seamlessly consumed by the Embrace SDK, just as if they were created using our proprietary tools. This gives customers greater flexibility to instrument and monitor what really matters to them, without having to adopt a different tracing standard.

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Analyze all network requests firing within a user flow via Embrace’s latest Performance Tracing update

Embrace's latest upgrade to our performance tracing feature lets engineers see all the network requests that occur in a user flow as individual spans within a larger trace instance. Engineers can now better understand the temporal relationship between network activity and other events within a flow, leading to quicker insights and faster issue resolution.

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Crash Reporting

Reimagining mobile crash resolution beyond basic crash reporting

We've revamped our Crash Reporting experience to make it easier for mobile engineers to resolve app crashes fast. With Embrace intelligent Crash Reporting mobile engineers get advanced groupings, tagging, scoring and a complete play-by-play of every detail leading up to the crash so teams can get back to building amazing app experiences.

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Crash Reporting

How to protect your Flutter app from crashes

Crashes can be a nightmare for any Flutter app developer, leading to frustrated users and tarnished reputations. In this blog, we delve into the world of crash prevention and offer valuable insights on how to safeguard your Flutter app.

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